Monday, October 7, 2013

The Long Lost Roomate

My first roommates were at St. Peter's College in Jersey City. EOF summer program at an apartment like dorm with three other girls. It was a blast. For some reason I had the biggest room all to myself. We developed a sisterhood over the summer and I remember crying on the last day as if I would never see them again. I miss it even now. I use to take a taxi to the train station, train to the Path, and the Path dropped me off at Journal Square where I'd walk a half a mile to my dorm. I remember waking up to the sunrise, sleeping on the bottom bunk in my spacious room, my clothes set out for the next school day. I'd say my prayers before heading off to brush my teeth and wash my face. I can't for the life of me remember what the bathroom looks like!!!
With my second roommate I had some difficulties. She was an only child and definitely acted like one. I was raised with 4 other siblings and was constantly surrounded by a family of seven. Discounts, budgets, family sized everything, hand me downs etc.My roommate had a sock draw that was in meticulously order, parents that showered her with gifts and boys chasing her from every direction. I recall one late night where she had a male visitor and up to that point we had stopped talking to each other due to our personality clashes. They were making out and I could hear every annoying sound so in an act of boldness that I didn't know I had, I got out of bed, turned on the room's light and said "I wonder what your boyfriend would think if he saw you right now?". She jumped out of her bed in embarrassment and rage telling me to mind my business, the boy on the other hand stayed in bed, I guess hoping it would all boil over and maybe get some action. We argued and shouted and even got the RA involved. My roommate packed some things and went to the boys room only to come back an hour later saying that she wasn't going to be uncomfortable in someone else's room when her parents were paying for her to be accommodated in her own. While she was gone I had invited one of my good guy friends to my room to calm me down and the boy toy from that night got some of his goons to run by my room door and kick it! What a night!!!
 I remember being rude to her after that...I would make sure the door slammed when she was napping, ignore her when she spoke to me, sneak some of her Capri Suns from her mini fridge and when I had guests over I would talk loudly pretending she wasn't in the room. It was awful! Something shifted. I don't remember if we just got tired of the tension in the room or an even transpired in our personal lives that humbled us but one day we just became nice to each other. I miss her even today...weird how that can happen. She even received Christ in her life one night as me and my twin sister prayed for her, that was so awesome! I stay in contact with her via social media and we still long to reunite one of these days. contrary to today's title she's no longer lost, in the biblical sense, and who's to say that's exactly where I belonged, confrontations and all.

I love you! You know who you are!!

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