Wednesday, September 25, 2013

An Astronauts Perfect Day I tried to do a little research on astronauts via the web but I got lost in the technical terminologies. Basically today anyone who travels to space in a spaceship is considered an astronaut. You have to take classes, be exposed to space-like situations before you go but, anyone can go.
My first introduction to space was the concept of God, looking into the sky and wondering what He's doing up there. I remember feeling so small and so insignificant, kind of like an ant under a magnifying glass. It wasn't until my teens that I realized He was a lot closer than I thought. The Bible told me that God formed Adam with His own hands and breathed life into him, taking that personally it would seem that the very air that I breathe IS God. And if that's true than perhaps His proximity to me can be re-positioned from outer space to my very next breath. 
I was 13 years old and completely smitten by Him, falling in love for the first time and it felt overwhelmingly glorious. So my thoughts and understanding of Him through our relationship became more personal and a lot more radical. I began to think that if God was in my next breathe than what could He see and hear and feel concerning me? If He had given me the power to breath and sustain me to live, so closely, then what power did I possess to affect Him? Kind of like when you're on a date and you’ve decided your wardrobe and shoes based on the location and even whether to bring some mints in your back pocket just in case during the movie you want to lean in and whisper something...clever. I felt that God was being so personal with me that it gave me the permission to be personal with Him. I'd want to brush my teeth before I whispered Him a sweet nothing. I'd want to excuse myself after a belch knowing that even if no tangible body was in the room, He'd hear it and I'd owe Him a polite gesture of apology. 

So how do I relate this to an Astronauts perfect day?

Astronauts have the privilege of exploring space, a world that seemed so out of reach until the 1950s, with a front row view of God's front lawn. They suit up and take classes and experience no gravity atmospheres and are usually brilliant in math and science. They train, they build, they eat, breath, and sleep their studies to prepare for this one moment of strapping themselves in a spaceship, that's connected to a rocket (yikes), and launched into the unknown. Hearts beating at 100 beats per second, an overwhelming feeling of elation and success and accomplishment as their eyes feast on a world yet to be conquered or fully explored. WOW! That's so cool! That would be a perfect day; breaking past the Earth's atmosphere into a starry heaven with endless beauty. I suppose I count myself lucky to know Him, that He can take to sights unseen and galaxies untouched by human ambition and that I can count on this Creator of the universe rather than all the other stuff I'd need to do before getting on a I'm super bad at math! 

An astronaut’s perfect day...knowing the Master of the universe and simply...inhaling.

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