Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Hello vast and unyielding universe! It's me again! The crazy lady with the dream of being a professional writer without the drive to see it through. If only my imagination that's located in my mind that's snug in my head, that's on top of my shoulders could possibly get credit just for thinking. But alas I have to yield it to some artistic form of expression, so here I go again! Attempting a blog based on the awesome book "642 Things to Write About" by the San Francisco Writers' Grotto. I received this little gem for Christmas from my Bestie Bree and I've written a few entries but I haven't taken "it" in, the journey this book has to offer that is. So, I'll be posting each entry in the form of a short story or photo or debate or journal entry, either way I'm gonna walk with this book and hopefully inspire others to do the same with whatever artistic deficiency they may be having or just life!!! I'm not gonna rush it but since my biggest issue is consistency I've challenged myself to avoid long periods of absence from posting...let's say 2 day gaps at the most, that means writing every day but posting every other day! I can do this...come on universe, in all your cosmic glory at least meet me half way!

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